My name is Debbie. I'm a 49 year old, divorced woman (50 in July). My 'children' are 27, 24 and 20. All have moved out and have their own jobs/careers, so now it's just me.
Life is good!
I guess I started this blog because I love to write, but what to write about for this endeavor, I had no idea.
I've been writing for about 16 years, and frankly, I want to create a life that lets me live in the city that I call home for half of the year, and live some other place amazing like Grand Cayman or the Dominican Republic for the other half, while writing to pay whatever bills I might have.
I love all things creative, and have always been involved in some kind of creative outlet to maintain what little 'sanity' I might have. There are very few things that I do without music playing, regardless of the type of music.
I don't have a name for my 'style'...I simply wear what I like. I'm not into 'trends' and what have you, but kudos to those who love that stuff and can make a good living from it.
I enjoy my 'post-child-raising-life", and I see or speak to my children every single day. That shit is like medicine. They're an addiction. They are the people with whom I most enjoy spending my time, whether they live with me or not.
I enjoy my 'post-child-raising-life", and I see or speak to my children every single day. That shit is like medicine. They're an addiction. They are the people with whom I most enjoy spending my time, whether they live with me or not.
Anywho...I hope you continue to read, enjoy and share. I love hearing from those who read my writing, so please feel free to drop me a line if something piques your interest :)
Debbie :)